Wednesday, April 15, 2009

iPhone: My Dream Comes True

"The iPhone is an internet-connected multimedia smart-phone designed and marketed by Apple Inc. with a flush multi-touch screen and a minimal hardware interface. The device does not have a physical keyboard, so a virtual keyboard is rendered on the touch screen instead. The iPhone functions as a camera phone (including text messaging and visual voicemail), a portable media player (equivalent to an iPod), and an Internet client (with email, web browsing, and local Wi-Fi connectivity). The first-generation phone hardware was quad-band GSM with EDGE; the second generation also adds UMTS with HSDPA.
Apple announced the iPhone on January 9, 2007. The announcement was preceded by rumors and speculation that circulated for several months. The iPhone was initially introduced in the United States on June 29, 2007, and has since been introduced worldwide. It was named Time magazine's "Invention of the Year" in 2007. On July 11, 2008, the iPhone 3G was released. It supports faster 3G data speeds and Assisted GPS. On March 17, 2009, Apple announced the iPhone firmware version 3.0, due to be released in mid 2009." Quoted from
To me personally - I've been using iPhone 3G since August 2008 when it's launched in Singapore thru Singtel - iPhone is like a dream come true. A portable device that allow me to make / receive phone call, e-mails, connect to internet, play my music, movies, games, and much more - on the go.
Like most people - I've been using primarily Nokia and Sony Ericsson mobile phones for years and never really experience Apple's product until I have my iPhones. Have tried to use HTC smart phone - running Windows Mobile OS - only for 1 month. But after this - I don't think I will switch to an ordinary phone ever again. :)

5 years ago - I was skeptical about '3G'. That was when people were still searching for 'killer applications' that could help drive the data usage up. Big show stoppers for 3G were:

a) the tiny screen most of mobile phone at that time were using, and
b) content distribution, how do you get the application and in turn who would be developing those, and many other reasons why the take up of 3G was very slow.
In my opinion - the key driver behind the success of iPhone are:
1) iTunes's App Stores users could buy / download their favorites applications which are developed by thousands of individuals and companies. There are more than 25,000 applications available in App Stores and as of now there are almost 1 billions of application being downloaded by iPhone users world-wide (1 Billion App Countdown).
2) Intuitive user interface - incl. multi-touch screen and accelerometer which both are used heavily by most applications thru the iPhone SDK.
One thing unique about iPhone in comparison with other mobile phones is the continuous development of its OS and SDK. Most iPhone users - including myself - are very excited to wait the release of iPhone OS 3.0 this summer with a lot of new features (see iPhone OS 3.0). With only 2 models (so far) to support - Apple could focus in developing new features thru its phone operating system. For the end users - it would be like getting a new phone with more advance features for free.
As any other successful products - we could expect a lot of copy cats - or some people like to call it 'iPhone killer(s)'. RIM (company behind Blackberry), Google with its Android OS, and Microsoft with its Windows Mobile OS are setting up their own version of iTunes App Store. By next year we should know whether or not these companies could break App Store's record - 1 billion downloads within 9 months (Wiki's App Stores).
With the unlimited applications and content the user could experience - it's very hard to imagine that anyone do not like iPhone. So far the following are the list of my favorite applications:
  • Videocasts including daily updated Andersen Cooper 360 and Larry King. It's like carrying TV where ever you go.
  • News portals including Channel News Asia, Strait Times and New York Times. It gives me different experience than just using normal internet browser on your PC.
  • Finance market information such as Bloomberg which gives me latest and personalized information on financial market with interactive graphs.
  • Personal health tools such as weight monitoring and baby growth applications.
  • Communication tool such as Skype, Fring, and Facebook.
  • Local information such as bus arrival time, near by restaurants, and TV programs.
  • and off course the Games including Monopoly and some simulation games.
Enough said about how great the iPhone is. It is still not a perfect device. There are still room for improvement for future generation of iPhone including bigger memory, longer battery time, more sophisticated camera features like auto focus, 3.5 G support, and faster processor. Although honestly those list probably will not be enough to make me to trade-in my current iPhone 3G.
Let's see what will happen in June 2009 - as a lot of people are expecting the new generation of iPhone 3G will be released (recent Apple's Insider news) - during Apple's WWDC 2009 (annual event for Apple's developers) in San Fransisco.
To learn more about this dream device check out the Apple's iPhone web site and its recent iPhone ads.